The Importance of Water Testing in North Alabama


Are your municipality’s water standards your water standards?  Cities and counties in North Alabama provide homes with water that meets Federal water standard requirements, but most homes have hard water, whether it is supplied by a private well or a municipality.  In many cases, you may not realize you have hard water or the constant and expensive harm it causes.  Testing your homes water will provide you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about adjusting your water quality.

Alabama water quality can no longer be taken for granted.  So many variables can come into play: possibilities of contamination, Alabama’s aging water distribution systems, unknown well-water quality, and even the type of plumbing in your home.

Some water issues are obvious, others are invisible.  You may see signs of water spots on dishes and glass ware and rust around plumbing fixtures.  Hard water and chemicals are absorbed in your skin through bathing and ingested during drinking.   Many people think these are the facts of life and there is nothing they can do about it.

Our local water professionals know our area and Alabama water. They’ll provide you with a free water analysis and plumbing audit, so you can be armed with the information you need to make the right decisions for you and your home.

You can read more about regulated contaminants from the United States Environmental Protection Agency or learn about the recommended ways to keep your family’s water safe with the Water Quality Association’s Drinking Water Treatment Fact Sheet.

Learn more about testing your home’s water.

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